September 13-14-15, 1961

Table of Contents

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Automation and Braille Mr. John K. Dupress - 5
  • "Research in Braille - What Has Been Done"; Mr. Carl T. Rodgers - 7
  • "Errors in Oral Reading of Braille at Elementary Grade Level"; Dr. Samuel C. Ashcroft - 16
  • "Tactual Symbols for the Blind"; Dr. Emerson Foulke - 32
  • "A Tactually Presentable Learning Aptitude Test for Use with the Blind"; Dr. T. Ernest Newland - 40
  • "Effects of Early Blindness - Performance of Blind and Sighted Children on Tactile and Auditory Tasks"; Dr. Seymour Axelrod - 52
  • "Some Insights Concerning Reading Problems as Reflected in AFB Leisure Activity Study"; Dr. Eric Josephson - 55
  • "Research - What Needs to be Done as Seen by the American Foundation for the Blind" Mr. Carl; T. Rodgers - 64
  • "Research - What Needs to be Done as Seen by the Braille Authority and its Advisory Committees"; Mr. Bernard Krebs - 68
  • Discussion: all participants - 71
  • Summary of Conference; Mr. Robert Bowers - 97