MegaDots Technical Support

Technical support for MegaDots is done primarily by voice phone calls. Our technical support number is 608-257-8833. Our fax number is 978-692-9712.

Caryn Navy and David Holladay comprise our technical support staff. They are knowledgeable about all aspects of the software. David is more knowledgeable about file import and export issues, and Caryn is more knowledgeable about voice and braille access issues.

We encourage overseas users of MegaDots to fax or e-mail us technical support questions. Voice calls are tricky becasue of the time differences. David and Caryn's home number is +1-608-241-2498. Please do not use the 241-2498 number from 11 pm to 6 am Chicago (United States Central) time.

Our e-mail address is: A common remedy for software problems is mailing a software update. If you e-mail us with your name, your MegaDots serial number, yor mailing address, and a clear description of your problem, we will do one of three things:

At this point, the most common problems concern embossing. If you are having difficulty sending output to an embosser through the parallel port, try changing the output port from LPT1 to ZOUT. To do this, go into MegaDots, press F10 P B. You should see your brailler name in highlight. Press Enter. One of the prompts should read "connection port: LPT1". Place the cursor on the LPT1, and type ZOUT. Press F10 twice, then save your preferences.

If you are having problems with serial output, configure MegaDots for a "generic embosser" or a "generic interpoint embosser".

One problem is reading Portable Document Format files (PDF files) into MegaDots. There is a web-based tool to help. Go to Adobe Access for the solution.

If you are having difficulty reading a Microsoft Word or PageMaker file into MegaDots, download the MegaRead program listed with the electronic updates (no password required)

If you have difficulty with these or any other aspect of MegaDots, please call our tech line. Or fax, or e-mail. We want to help you.

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